RAW Black 1.25 Papers


The RAW Black Organic papers were released in celebration of RAW’s 16th birthday! This is a new generation of rolling supplies that are meant to roll up only the finest strains of herb. Because of how delicate and thin these papers are, only the best joint rollers around will be able to craft beautifully-rolled joints. Once it is rolled, it delivers a premium, top shelf experience. Each paper is made from organic hemp and water, and finished off with a sustainably-harvested organic gum from Acacia tree sap. This gives it a strong seal that doesn’t impact the taste or burn of the joint. There are no other substances added to these clean papers. Each RAW Black paper is made from natural plants with zero burn additives. 

  • RAW ORGANIC BLACK | RAW Black Organic Hemp papers are the absolute thinnest rolling papers RAW makes. They were created to celebrate RAW’s 16th anniversary, and are said to be their slowest-burning option.
  • 1 ¼ SIZE | RAW 1 ¼ size papers are the smallest paper size the brand makes. They can hold up to about 0.8g, which is perfect for a solo session or sharing with just a few friends.
  • EXPERT | Since these are the thinnest papers RAW makes, they are also the trickiest to roll correctly. These are intended for the most experienced joint rollers to pearl into their smooth, slow-burning joints.